Sisir Ghimire Chettri v2

Github Action to push to another repository - Usage and Example

In this walkthrough, we will push the changes made on one github repo to another repo using github action - github-action-push-to-another-repository. Here’s the Use Case Suppose there are two ...

Big Data, Big Challenges and an Introduction to Data Lake

Big Data Big Data refers to the amount of data with greater variety, higher volume and data being generated at high-level frequency. We are currently in the digital age where we are having data in...

Data Mining 101: Key Techniques and a Brief Overview of Clustering

Data Mining In today’s information age, we are collecting enormous amount of digital data every moment. We have tremendous number of data lying around without its valuable insight added to the orga...

Understanding Git Rebase vs Merge

In this post, we will quickly go through git rebase and git merge as simply as possible. Git rebase vs merge Both rebase and merge are tools in git which integrates changes from one branch to anot...

Vue instance in Jekyll

In this post, we’ll go through how to embed and use vue from cdn in jekyll post. It’s pretty straightforward to implement. The only thing that we need to make sure is that we don’t mix jekyll’s mou...

Flask Commands (Way of Django)

Declaring models with SQLAlchemy class Person(db.Model): id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True) name = db.Column(db.String(50), nullable=False) addresses = db.relationship('Addre...

MongoDB Commands

Mongo Shell To run mongo shell from terminal: $ mongosh Cheatsheet of basic commands # show database: > show dbs # create database: > use testDB # drop database > use testDB >...

Vue.js Deepcopy

Mapping objects into new ones Parent <child-component :passed-data="arrData"></child-component> Child export default { props: { passedData: { type: Array, ...

Adding multiple Github Accounts

Configure the following things: Go to your .ssh $ <editor> $HOME/.ssh Essentially, Link your keys to different accounts on your config. How to create a new key? $ ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 40...

How to transpose your data on excel?

How to transpose your data on excel?